Work accidents

Thousands of people work hard day in and day out literally building our society on construction sites in cities and other locations across the United States. Although jobs in the construction industry can pay well, employers and other third parties, unfortunately, can sometimes create or allow circumstances in which you or a loved one could suffer serious injuries.

All workers face some degree of risk at work, but those who work on industrial and construction sites face considerable risk every day. Although there are many state and federal regulations designed to protect them, many employees are seriously injured or killed in workplace accidents in the United States each year.

Most workplace accidents occur on construction sites, and according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), one in five work-related deaths is caused by such an accident.

To protect workers in hazardous industries such as construction, the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 created OSHA. This law establishes standards for the construction industry that employers must follow to ensure a safe and efficient work environment.

Construction accidents occur due to dangerous conditions created by the employer or a negligent co-worker. These dangers include:

¿Ha sufrido un accidente de laboral en Estados Unidos?


Do not hesitate to obtain specialized legal advice from LAWITU. Our attorneys can help you protect your rights and obtain the maximum compensation possible for your injuries, damages, and other harms.


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